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Dental Care Somerset

Know the Common Causes of Dental Anxiety

Sedation Dentistry Somerset NJ

Many people suffer from anxiety whenever they think to go to a dentist. Alone in the US, it is estimated that 75% of adults fear of visiting a dentist. Known as dental phobia, it stops millions of people to get adequate professional dental care.

Many people only want to or have to go to a dentist when they face a dental emergency like a severe toothache or gum abscesses. If you’re one of them, you should know that sedation dentistry Somerset NJ has made it pleasant for patients who feel fear while sitting in a dental chair.

Most dental clients report being more concerned about invasive procedures, such as dental implant surgery, rather than the less intensive measures such as dental cleanings and x-rays. This post will discuss the most common reasons people have for their feelings of dental phobia.

Prior Negative Dental Experience

It is the most common reason among all. People develop dental phobia because they have had a bad experience with a dentist mostly when they were a kid. It begins with a negative, difficult, or painful experience with a particular dentist and that fear doesn’t go away sometimes a lifetime. Good oral health is linked to your overall health. It is not just about maintaining a brighter smile but also about keeping teeth healthier so that affected teeth don’t affect other parts of your body. There are several evidences that a gum disease may lead to diabetes and even a heart disease. Past negative dental experiences can be alleviated through consultation with a dentist who specializes in sedation dentistry Somerset NJ.

Family structure

As per a research, children with siblings or nuclear families tend to report higher dental fear and dental anxiety (DFA) issue as compared to children from single-parent families. However, this type of dental anxiety automatically decreases when the victim children grow up and understand that their siblings were just used to haunt them by creating a fictional dental-ghost (or something else). The good thing is there are pediatric dentists who deal with a number of children’s dental fears on a daily basis and it’s their specialty to create a welcoming and homely environment to help children overcome their fears.


Sometimes it’s just embarrassment regarding the appearance of smile or dental problem one has. Dental phobia can also develop because of several other consequences of a person’s life. A persona may postpone a dental checkup just because he feels that his dental health is too poor to expose. This may not sound a viable or common cause of dental anxiety but there are many relevant cases.

As a reputed family and cosmetic dentistry, we would recommend you to take good personal dental care Somerset and help your child to ease their dental nervousness. When you schedule an appointment with Smile Design 101, we encourage you to open up about all your dental concerns and feel comfortable to let your anxiety out. We also use sedation methods like Nitrous Oxide, Oral Sedation, and IV Sedation to make the patients relaxed during sensitive treatments.